A White Paper on AI Technology Application Practice

Gain insight into how we tackle the challenges in the era of ditigal economy.

AI-Powered Technology & Business Innovation in the Era of Digital Economy
The past decade has witnessed vigorous development of the digital economy. While deep learning and new-generation AI algorithms make breakthroughs in computer vision and natural language & speech, digital technologies have ushered in new opportunities for technological upgrading. In this white paper, we share insights into how to make use of AI-powered technology in industrial practice to achieve continuous iteration of such technologies as content risk control, audio & video, and natural language dialogue.
In this white paper you will find:
  • An in-depth interpretation of the solutions of our AI R&D team
  • An innovative methodology of AI system architecture
  • Viable way to achieve business innovation and development breakthroughs by adoptingefficient and professional AI solutions
  • Future trend of AI technology
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